Wii Close To Toppling Xbox 360
It may not be a surprise to anyone clocking the monthly sales stats but right now, according to analysts VG Chartz, the Wii is about to overtake the Xbox 360 in unit sales.
Just another 220,000 or so will do the trick, despite the 360 having that one-year lead. According to its figures, the 360 has sold 10.32m units globally compared to 10.1m Wiis. The company bases it’s figures on those from ‘selected’ retailers, not console manufacturers. Whether that makes them any more accurate is another question.
Let’s all remember though that the Wii is one of those great little [big?] phenomena from left-field – a console platform that appeals to non-gamers - i.e. the scary people in white suits. It's global success has been as much a surprise to Nintendo as anyone else. It also helps that it’s great fun and cheaper than the others too.
According to the stats, the PS3 has managed 4.11m sales.-Martin Lynch