DNS vulnerabilities, are you protected?
With the recent DNS vulnerability released to the wild last week, it's important to make sure your servers, including your personal network, use a secure DNS server.
What is this DNS vulnerability?
Just pick up the phone and call Mr. Cable company and have them upgrade their DNS servers. What! you don't think they will jump on it? I don't think so either but there is another solution.
What is this DNS vulnerability?
The vulnerability allows "cache poisoning" attacks that tinker with data stored in computer memory caches that relay Internet traffic to its destination.How do you tell if you're ISP or the DNS you're using is secure? Head on over to DoxPara Research to find out.
Attackers could use the vulnerability to route Internet users wherever the hackers wanted, no matter what website address is typed into a web browser.
The threat is greatest for business computers handling online traffic or hosting websites, according to security researchers.-Source Yahoo news - read more here
DNS CheckerOK, now you know there is a problem with the worlds DNS and you have checked the DNS from your local ISP or server provider, what do you do to fix it?
Recently, a significant threat to DNS, the system that translates names you can remember (such as www.doxpara.com) to numbers the Internet can route ( was discovered, that would allow malicious people to impersonate almost any website on the Internet. Software companies across the industry have quietly collaborated to simultaneously release fixes for all affected name servers. To find out if the DNS server you use is vulnerable, click below.
- Click here to check your DNS
Just pick up the phone and call Mr. Cable company and have them upgrade their DNS servers. What! you don't think they will jump on it? I don't think so either but there is another solution.