My first test of W7

After Microsoft relesed Windows 7 Beta to the public I grabed my copy. I have installed it on my old laptop.

Laptop spec...


This is a laptop that Vista wont install on becasue the memory is too low! W7 installs just fine, uses less memory than WinXP SP3. It feels quite snappy, it's not useing the slick GUI but look nice enough.

I have read a lot of comment about Windows and one of the big debats is about should an XP user wait for W7 and miss Vista altogether. Well W7 is Vista that has been fixed! and put on a diet...

One thing that will be a shock to an XP user is the amount of change in the GUI. There was a massive change from XP to Vista. There has been another shift from Vista to W7. So how the hell is the XP user going to take that much change on board. We are talking about a lot of new skills, people have been useing XP for almost 10 years. There are a whole load of users that have never used anything else but XP.

For us that have been with Microsoft since DOS are used to changing every few years. I think that there will be a lot of new users that will be fumbling around W7.

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