Half-Life 2: Episode Two Hands-on Preview
TeamXbox has posted its impressions from playing Half-Life 2: Episode 2. Here's a taster:
OK folks, as much as I'd like to tell you everything that happened after that, it's best that you experience the game for yourself when it comes out. I will say that Episode Two may very well be the most intense five-plus hours that the franchise has ever seen, and it introduces a number of new enemies, weapons, and environments. There are even a few lingering questions answered, although just as many are introduced. Best of all, it seems like every action setpiece is more intense than the last. I should also give a shout-out to the Episode's final battle, which was completely insane and I will likely play over and over again when I get my copy of the game.
As you might already know, the team at Valve went back and added some visual effects to the version of Half-Life 2 that's in The Orange Box, including HDR lighting. Naturally, Episode Two is getting all of these and then some, including some tremendously cool luminescence effects (as seen in the Antlion den) and "sliminess" (sorry, I can't think of a better term). Each of the Half-Life 2 titles in the collection run very smoothly, and although there are a few hiccups here and there, they're still some of the best looking games around.