Battlefield Play4Free Summary

PlanetBattlefield has posted a summary of everything we know currently about Battlefield Play4Free compiled from twitter, the press release, and interviews / previews:
 * Goes live in Spring 2011. Beta launches November 30
 * 32 players
 * 16 vehicles including Mil Mi-28 helicopter, F35 VTOL jet, Russian T-90 tank, LSV light strike vehicle
 * Engine is 4th generation PC engine 1. BF2 2. BF2142 3. BFH 4. BFP4F. Can get super high framerates at hi resolutions
 * Weapons, classes, armies of Bad Company 2 (Assault, Engineer, Medic and Recon). RPG system of Battlefield Heroes. Maps, vehicles of Battlefield 2. New sounds, animations, characters.
 * No relation between Battlefield Online. Bfplay4free is a unique game built by the BF Heroes team.
 * PC only, but will run on your PC, even if it isn't a dedicated gaming rig.
 * Battlefunds wallet is shared between BF Heroes and BF Play4Free
 * Fully customizable avatars
 * "Many of the maps also come from Bad Company 2..." -Gamespot
 * Character costumes, boots etc purchasable, but nothing to give an advantage like BF Heroes
 * Karkand is a launch day map. Smaller and different layout
 * New unnamed gamemode - "Play4Free will ship with a new mode that revolves around capturing a series of flags and then holding them long enough to start earning points. The more flags you have, the quicker you earn, and the first team to reach the target level wins."


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