BC2 performance
Game Settings:
Screen Res = 1280x1024
Level of detail = High
Texture Quality = High
Shadow Quality = High
Effects Quality = High
Ant Aliasing = 4X
Anisotropic Filter 4X
VSync = Off
Windows version = 7
32bit or 64bit = 64
CPU = Intel Q6700
OverClock = No
RAM = DDR2 800MHz 4Gb
Graphics card = Sapphire ATI 5770 1Gb
DirectX version = DX11
Frames per Second:
Fraps Screen shot = BFBC2Game_2010-01-29_10-18-05-09.bmp (3.8 MB)
Fraps Video = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S8AtmNHz6k
Fraps max FPS = 58
Fraps Min FPS = 32
My G/card is DX11 and the game is as well just not sure about the Demo I can see nothing in the settings to tell me one way or the other. I have no idea what "HABO" is or what it dose. If the performance of the game is no better than the Demo I would drop the settings to get the fps up. I prefer an online game to be running much higher than 30-60fps!
The look is a little disappointing, I like the snow blowing in the wind and the general atmosphere. But the trees look terrible, very poor model detail, get up close to any of the vegetation and your taken back in time to naive graphics where you had to use a lot of imagination. They do look like cardboard cut out trees. I imagine it would like a movie set , looks great till you get too close.
Some games handle vegetation better than others... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_Fx4gwA5uc This video was record on the same PC, don't forget the degradation in performance while using Fraps to record.
Screen Res = 1280x1024
Level of detail = High
Texture Quality = High
Shadow Quality = High
Effects Quality = High
Ant Aliasing = 4X
Anisotropic Filter 4X
VSync = Off
Windows version = 7
32bit or 64bit = 64
CPU = Intel Q6700
OverClock = No
RAM = DDR2 800MHz 4Gb
Graphics card = Sapphire ATI 5770 1Gb
DirectX version = DX11
Frames per Second:
Fraps Screen shot = BFBC2Game_2010-01-29_10-18-05-09.bmp (3.8 MB)
Fraps Video = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S8AtmNHz6k
Fraps max FPS = 58
Fraps Min FPS = 32
My G/card is DX11 and the game is as well just not sure about the Demo I can see nothing in the settings to tell me one way or the other. I have no idea what "HABO" is or what it dose. If the performance of the game is no better than the Demo I would drop the settings to get the fps up. I prefer an online game to be running much higher than 30-60fps!
The look is a little disappointing, I like the snow blowing in the wind and the general atmosphere. But the trees look terrible, very poor model detail, get up close to any of the vegetation and your taken back in time to naive graphics where you had to use a lot of imagination. They do look like cardboard cut out trees. I imagine it would like a movie set , looks great till you get too close.
Some games handle vegetation better than others... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_Fx4gwA5uc This video was record on the same PC, don't forget the degradation in performance while using Fraps to record.