ARMA II : new trailers and info
Head on over to the official site to check out some of the latest videos the devs have released
This time gives viewers a glimpse into the lives of the civilians of Chernarus, as they try to go on with their normal daily routines, whilst surrounded every day by the fear and uncertainty of a country chained to the threat of a coming civil war.- Head on over to the official site for more information, screen shots and a few more tailers - click will be updated with fresh news on a weekly basis, from now up to the time of release. Regular updates about ARMA2 factions, weapons and vehicles will be accompanied by a series of visual references. Read the first declassified information right here!
Following on from an extremely busy GC2008 in Leipzig there are now a number of features online about the progress of our next game ARMA 2, these features are in the form of previews, written interviews and even video interviews, please visit our ARMA 2 preview page and find out what people are saying about ARMA 2.