Splash Damage Blog So Where's ETQW 1.5?

The marketing machine for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars is starting to spin up - if you missed it, don't forget to check out the first round of previews. More are sure to come within the next few weeks along with a few other cool announcements related to the console versions. In more PC-centric news, there have been quite a few questions about the status of the ETQW 1.5 game update on the forums, so here's what's currently happening with it.

First off, 1.5 is not an official Activision release like all the previous updates (this is actually the cause of the license troubles from a few weeks back), but instead something that we here at Splash Damage are funding ourselves and working on alongside our new project. As Activision's QA and localization departments are not available to help us out, we instead opted for an extended public beta phase to iron out any remaining kinks. The result is that things don't always move as quickly as we'd like them to, but we are committed to getting 1.5 finished and out to you.

I can confirm that 1.5 is on our development schedule for this month and we hope to get it all wrapped up and ready for public consumption. We'll still have to test it internally, but we hope to release the game update, the updated SDK, and the final version of the Official Competition Mod in the coming weeks so you guys will have plenty of new material to sink your teeth into.


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