Call of Duty 4 map contest & 1.6 patch
IAMfourzerotwo on has posted a status update on his blog about the map contest and 1.6 patch process. Looks as if they are going to delay the map contest a bit just to insure that its available worldwide and not only to the United States. Submissions should be starting this week, 402 says. Development for the 1.6 patch hit a snag. They hope to release it at the same time as the map pack. Double score.
We had hoped to start accepting submissions by now but regretfully (as typically happens) the legal required participants to be US only which was unacceptable for us. So we’ve been working on making it open to worldwide participants which requires quite a bit more legal / contest rule work due to the different laws and regulations in each country. As for the 1.6 patch which was going through test, we found a critical bug during QA which broke kill cams when playing with mods among other things which put a hold on it and put it back in development.