3D TV ?!?

I have been a bit resistant to this whole 3D revolution that has been going off in the last few years. 3D this and that, what's the point! This has been in part because I thought that with my poor eye sight it wouldn't work for me. But also I have this sort of built in defence system for new things that have too much hype. Especially if they are going to be blooming expensive. Rememberer my resent rant about smart phones, and my defence of the humble "dumb" phone...

Anyhow I was in town a couple of days ago and I had some time to kill before an appointment. I was window shopping in the big shopping centre. There was one of those temporary stands in the middle with a couple of board salesmen. Sky 3D in big letters and a TV with a fuzzy picture. Out of curiosity I pick up the special glasses and look at the screen, expecting nothing, but I was wrong.

Wow the fuzzy picture jumped into life and yea it was in 3D. Not the dumb silly effects I remember from films like Jaws 3D. There was a football match and it looked really good. Bugger! There is one of the two pillars to my denial crumbling away. 3D works and to add insult to injury it looked good doing it!

So where dose this revelation leave me? Well as you know I don't have a TV set in the house and even if I did there is no way I can justify spending that much money for the kit and the subs to Sky. After all most of the stuff on TV is still crap, 3D or not.

But what of gaming? Part of the reason to do away with things like TV is to save money for the things I want more. I have a very nice Computer because I do without a lot of things. Some of those things most people think of as essentials, but I do it. Money is tight. It has to be thought through before it's spent. So no holidays, no TV, no to smart phone, no to going to the pub, or the cinema but yea to a big fat PC for computer games

Well I think my next PC will have certain features... It will have an nVidia graphics card, they are expensive but they have PhysX and 3D that along with a 3D monitor and I'll be set. I'll enter the world of 3D if a bit late to the party...

note: This may take some time as I'm currently saving for a trip to the Arctic circle for a camping and drinking weekend in September...

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