Ubuntu Marching on the Enterprise

That Linux is a significant player in the enterprise comes as no surprise: Enterprise customers are a lot easier from which to generate revenue. It makes economic sense: if you have a business product to sell, it's far easier to sell 1,000 products to one or two big companies than to do all the footwork to sell 2,000 products to 2,000 companies. Or even among 100 companies.
For some time, the big commercial Linux vendors have been happily wandering orchard of low-hanging enterprise fruit, almost completely eschewing markets such as consumers or small- to medium-sized businesses.
That single-minded focus may not serve them well against a relative newcomer to the enterprise Linux market: a newcomer that has quickly obtained a large percentage of the desktop Linux market and--more importantly--the hearts and minds of Linux developers.
The newcomer is Canonical, Ltd., the UK-based company that has masterminded the success of the Ubuntu distribution of Linux, and is now rolling into the enterprise marketplace with...
Read the rest of this Enterprise Ubuntu story at Enterprise Networking Planet


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