ArmA II Buggy?
German gaming site PC Games has posted an interview with Bohemia's Marek Spanel addressing the depressing news that the first released version of ArmA II (the German version) is riddled with game stopping bugs.
PC Games: We had grave issues with the review copy (retail copies). The singleplayer campaign was nearly not playable because of a multitude of problems. Often we reached a checkpoint an nothing happened, enemies didn't shoot at us, or objectives got solved/failed without us even knowing of it. What went wrong? Did no Beta-Tester find these problems? How was it possible that such a buggy, not-ready version got into the mastering lab anyway?
Marek Spanel: It is very unfortunate that the campaign left such a bad impression. We already been working on the story and campaign for very long time, large testing was undergoing for many months. Part of the problem is that ARMA II is incredible big and even the campaign is just a smaller part of it (I know, very important for many users). Despite we are aware of various problems, bugs and possible improvements, we certainly don't see German ARMA II as something completely broken. When the German master was finished, we felt it's quite good, since then we already had chance to play test even more and collect more feedback which found its way into the upcoming updates.