Alec Meer talks about ArmA-II

Rock, Paper, Shotgun has a bit about ArmA-II linking to a much larger artical on Eurogamer. Here is the taster from RPS and the links within to the Eurogamer artical. Makes for some interesting reading...

Up now on Eurogamer (yes, you’re allowed to read it even if you’re not a Europerson) are the word-fruits of my recent hands-on time with a near-finished version of ArmA II. It’s the second spiritual sequel to Operation Flashpoint, nasty old Codemasters having nicked the name from original developers Bohemia Interactive Software, but reportedly it’s the first true sequel - the first ArmA having been something of a stopgap release primarily aimed up updating the tech available for the enthusiastic community to tinker with. Arma II, though - that’s definitely a whole new game. And an incredibly ambitious one too, as you’ll read in my EG piece. I’m massively excited about it, even if I am a bit frightened by the obtuse controls and punishing difficulty - but unlike ArmA 1, I reckon I will get into this. Read why here.

We’ll also have some bespoke RPS coverage on ArmA II soon - Jim and I are going to sit down and have a chat about our individual impressions of what might be a landmark videogame. Beneath the digi-hurdle, you can find some recent footage of this huge, strange thing.

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