iCube - Amazing 3D Immersion Technology

IDEO Labs posted a video on Wednesday of WATG's Wimberly Labs' EON Reality's immersive 3D room. They call it an "iCube" (of course), but don't let that slow you down.

The cave(iCube)is comprised of three white walls and a floor, all about 10 x 10 in size. Onto each surface is projected a high-resolution, stereoscopic image. A viewer stands in the room wearing polarized 3D glasses - like you might use in a 3D movie - with small markers that stick out a bit from the frames. The markers are illuminated by IR LED floodlights located on the perimeter of the room, and IR-sensitive cameras use those positions to determine the precise location of each eye within the room. From those positions, stereo images for each projector are calculated and rendered on the fly, and the result is absolutely amazing.

Amazing 3D immersion technology from IDEO Labs on Vimeo.

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