Farcry 2

Sorry for the lack of post in the last few days, I have been lost in the world of Farcry2.

I would like to fill my blog with thoughts and observations about the game. At the moment I'm finding it hard to put words to it, wow, awesome, are just two words that come to mind...

If you own the game then your doing that right now and not reading my post. If you decided to give this one a miss, OMFG you plonker! Go to the shop, go online but purchase this game.

For the PC gamer this has stolen GTA thunder. Farcry2 one big open world to explore, take on missions, or not. Shoot, don't shoot, guns blazing or sneak, sneak with your knife. Drive, walk whatever, I spent an hour or so yesterday big game hunting. I stole a sniper rifle off some bloke by way of introdusing him to my machetti. I then spent some time stalking some water buffaloes, made some clean kills. Came across some chaps looking after some war diamonds, had away with that and stole their buggie. The next half an hour was spent zooming around the map, jumps and stuff. All was fun untill some other guys turned up in a Land Rover and tryed to shoot the crap out of me.

Simply put go buy this game.

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