TechwareLabs has published a review of the Palit Geforce 280 GTX, currently the most powerful single card on the market. Here's a bit:
Crysis, the game benchmark that we have all been waiting for, the one that is the true test of a graphic cards full potential. And yet again I was rather surprised of the frame rate that was achieved by the Palit GTX280. Running with just a single card, the Palit GTX280 was unable to reach playable speeds while playing Crysis on Very High with both no AA and 16x QAA. As you can see the speeds reach with the single card were that of 24.77fps running the game with no AA, and then 15.85 when the 16x QAA was introduced.
When we had the opportunity to take TWO Palit GTX280s and those them into the same computer running SLI, we knew that we just had to try out Crysis and see if it is possible to FINALLY play Crysis on maxed out settings. And well, as you can see, with both Palit GTX280s in SLI, we were able to achieved 32.05 frames per seconds running very high with no AA, and with 16x QAA we achieved 28.52 frames per seconds. Now I know that some of you are thinking right now, that 28.52 frames per seconds is not playable, and I do agree, I just want to add that I was able to play through a few levels of Crysis on these settings and did fine. I did happen to notice when the FPS dropped down to near 22fps for a second every now and then, but that happened very rarely. So, as we will see soon enough on the 3D Mark scores, the bottleneck in my system is not the GPU but the CPU and other components. So if you are to have a higher performing processor than I currently have the Palit GTX280 should be fine when trying to play Crysis on