New Enemy Territory: Quake Wars SDK Beta
The Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars website offers the release of a revised beta Software Development Kit for Splash Damage's multiplayer shooter. Here's the list of fixes and improvements:
editWorld fixes:
Added Create Brush dialog to allow for precise sizing and positioning of new brushes
Removed do-nothing "Subtract" entry from the CSG menu
Merged duplicate Camera menu entries in the View Menu
Fixed camera window flickering/not drawing properly
Fixed preferences not loading in some cases
Fixed initial locations of Z and YZ windows
Fixed sorting of filenames with different extensions in the file browser
Fixed compiler crashing if there was no worldspawn
Fixed manually entering patch subdivisions not updating the patch
General changes:
Added a few additional models to the model_gallery world
Added support for (and generated) a blacklist for materials, atmospheres, etc. so that they don't clutter up the media browsers
Merged MegaBuild with the SDK Launcher
Fixed warnings when compiling generated scripts
Fixed generated scripts not copying all necessary files to fs_savepath