
Spelling and the attitude towards it is an odd thing. Way back before the printing press when the vast majority of people couldn't write spelling was fluid. Then we all got very precious about it like the dictionary was sacred texts and no deviation was accepted.

We have now entered a new age with the internet where people are free to publish what they write to whoever wants to read. Guess what, many people can't spell or at lease don't think it's all that important just so long as it can be understood. This infuriates some to the point where they feel the need to correct everyone's spelling and grammar on the internet. This is seen as some sort of power play, belittling the writer and lording their superior education and intelligence. The internet has a name for these people, we call them "Grammar Nazi" a most unpleasant term.

Be mindful about the urge to comment about spelling. It says more about the commenter than the person with poor spelling.

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