Breach, this one looks interesting, Download only $15 Late June/Early July MultiPlayer only. Built on the propitiatory engine called "Hydrogen" The Developer is Atomic Games.
The destruction isn't programmed in the way it is with BC2, but uses the physics engine in the game. You can take out individual rocks from a wall?!?
You get the feeling that Destructible environments is the big current tech of the day and any game that does not have it will feel flat. I must admit from personal experience of playing BC2 for the last few weeks, when I play other games they feel wrong. I killed my self in CoD:4 at one point trying to punch a hole in a wall with a 40mm cos it bounced back and landed at my feet! You see a house and think that will make good cover, just needs a hole in it to shoot from... Or I need to get over there and a hole in that wall would do nicely. It's one of those things, once you have played that way everything else feels very 2D!