Pen's new G/Card
Been to Novatech and handed over my savings! £138 quid for a nice shiny new graphics card. This is the first for a long time that have gone for a middle of the road card rather than the balls out range topper. Not having a job will see to that I guess.
It's a Sapphire HD5770 1Gb, it's smaller than the monster 8800GTS it replaced. It's my intention to wipe my PC and do a fresh install of Windows 7 64bit but for now I'm still running XP x64.
I have been doing some testing...
CoD:4 No change to the settings cos they were maxed. All but "Blur" and that's off cos it makes me feel sick. I'm getting at least 100fps more now with the new card. The 8800GTS would get around 50fps when all hell is breaking lose and would peek at around 140ish. Now 150 is the lowest I have seen and the upper is the 250 limit I typed in when removing the fps limit. little did I think that the figure of 250fps, a number I thought at the time unobtainable would become the limiter for my G/Card. Anyhow if I can remember the command I'll type it in next time and set it to something, silly high just to see what the card will do.
Front lines fuel of war can now run completely maxed out.
The Counter Strike Source Video stress test, with everything maxed ran at 221.10. Thats with anti-A 16 and the other thingie at 8. (max)
ArmA:2 This was the important one for me and the real reason I got a new card. I was very concerned about ArmA:2 and the cards performance. Should I get this card now or wait until I had saved up some more and got a faster card? What with power constraints, money and such I jumped in. Well my concerns were unfounded, the card does ArmA:2 very well! Everything set to high or very high, Anti-A and Anisotropic filtering set to normal and fill rate (3D rez) set to 150% I'm getting around 30-40fps. That was tested with a 5000km view distance.Absolute fps with ArmA is less important, anything over 25 is OKWhat was most important to me was that I would have full detail and there was no or very little "popping" this is where things or textures "pop" or appear suddenly because you get closer to it. The higher the fill rate the less you see popping.
So if you have an ageing nvidia 8800 and want a new card but not sure if a budget one will do the ATI 5770 for £138'ish quid will do the job! Just need to find a buyer for a used BFG8800GTS 320Mb, any takers???
It's a Sapphire HD5770 1Gb, it's smaller than the monster 8800GTS it replaced. It's my intention to wipe my PC and do a fresh install of Windows 7 64bit but for now I'm still running XP x64.
I have been doing some testing...
CoD:4 No change to the settings cos they were maxed. All but "Blur" and that's off cos it makes me feel sick. I'm getting at least 100fps more now with the new card. The 8800GTS would get around 50fps when all hell is breaking lose and would peek at around 140ish. Now 150 is the lowest I have seen and the upper is the 250 limit I typed in when removing the fps limit. little did I think that the figure of 250fps, a number I thought at the time unobtainable would become the limiter for my G/Card. Anyhow if I can remember the command I'll type it in next time and set it to something, silly high just to see what the card will do.
Front lines fuel of war can now run completely maxed out.
The Counter Strike Source Video stress test, with everything maxed ran at 221.10. Thats with anti-A 16 and the other thingie at 8. (max)
ArmA:2 This was the important one for me and the real reason I got a new card. I was very concerned about ArmA:2 and the cards performance. Should I get this card now or wait until I had saved up some more and got a faster card? What with power constraints, money and such I jumped in. Well my concerns were unfounded, the card does ArmA:2 very well! Everything set to high or very high, Anti-A and Anisotropic filtering set to normal and fill rate (3D rez) set to 150% I'm getting around 30-40fps. That was tested with a 5000km view distance.Absolute fps with ArmA is less important, anything over 25 is OKWhat was most important to me was that I would have full detail and there was no or very little "popping" this is where things or textures "pop" or appear suddenly because you get closer to it. The higher the fill rate the less you see popping.
So if you have an ageing nvidia 8800 and want a new card but not sure if a budget one will do the ATI 5770 for £138'ish quid will do the job! Just need to find a buyer for a used BFG8800GTS 320Mb, any takers???