NEOTOKYO Release Today

NEOTOKYO - the Source mod is slated to be released to the public on July 3 - today! The initial release of the server files will be for Windows only, but Linux support will arrive later.
- Neotokyo will be available for download at various sites and torrent.
- Download links will be released in our irc #neotokyo on gamesurge network during our release party. Then posted here and elsewhere.
- This first public release will contain 10 maps total ...all capture the ghost gametype.
- We recommend max 24 player slots. (9v9 to 12v12 are best as far as gameplay and flow). 32 players is fun but a bit spammy.
- Total size of the installer is about 900megs and unzipped is 2gigs.
- In order to run NEOTOKYO, you need to have any game that gives you the source sdk base installed.

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