I couldn't stop myself...

Typing this from Windows 7 Beta

Looks like Vista, smells like Vista, eats Ram just like Vista, can't tell the difference...

A few of the diologs are different, it likes to nag a little more than vista. There is a little blue robot in my tool tray that has made a suggestion or two. I shall keep my eye on the little blue robot to see if he becomes troublesome...

Ha... he's not a robot it's a light house, I think I prefered him as a robot. Light houses are boreing, robots are fun. Come to think of it he has no arms so maybe he's a light house after all.

Where's my sidebar??? Grrr floating gadgets. I know, if I put them in a vertical arangment on the right hand side of the screen...

If you upgraded to this from XP you would be lost! The jump from XP to Vista was a massive step, this takes it further away from an XP users comfort zone.

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